Capitaliz helps advisors deliver accurate valuations and consistent guidance for mid-market businesses.

Capitaliz was created by exit and succession planning veterans and built upon proven and proprietary methodologies. Powered by millions of exit planning data points this platform has proven to accelerate business value, minimize risk, and improve outcomes for thousands of private business owners.


Advise more clients with greater confidence thanks to succession and exit planning insights, including custom business valuations, and identifying the ways to grow that value.

The platform offers guidance for mid-market clients paired with collaborative tools, automated recommendations, and administrative functions to help businesses maximize value and manage risk.

Economic Insights

21-Step Process

Dr. Craig West developed his 21-Step process with the five stages of value at the heart of the idea. Each stage has unique identifiers within to make up the full 21-step process. These are designed to effectively prepare the business, the owner and the financial position to maximize business value and achieve a successful exit.

Capital Markets Data

Valuation Roadmap / Task Assignment

Built for exit planners by exit planners, the Capitaliz Project Management Suite allows you to work on multiple engagements at once. Fostering trusted and transparent client relationships, the implementation roadmap is your North Star for keeping projects on track and members of each implementation team accountable. It’s also a communication hub for asking questions and gathering client documentation.

Valuation Data

Custom Business Insights Reports

Capitaliz generates custom intelligent dynamic recommendations based upon our 21-Step Business Succession & Exit Planning process. Capitaliz evaluates your client’s exit readiness, credit readiness, financial metrics, non-financial metrics, and other key areas. The Capitaliz system ensures that your clients are provided with the most accurate analysis on where their business stands and what's needed to extract maximum potential value.

The Capitaliz Community

Get support when you need it. Collaborate on implementation strategies, brainstorm new approaches, and unpack analysis together.

Once accredited, you’ll have the opportunity to regularly network and brainstorm with other likeminded advisors throughout the country. Whether it’s our monthly user forum where you can get guidance from the collective experience of our community, or scheduling meetings with our platform experts, Capitaliz is here for you.


Marketing Materials


You’ll also have full access to a host of advisor resources, including our library of marketing assets. The library includes a year’s worth of blog posts, articles, and various digital for you to use at your discretion.   


Advisors who already love Capitaliz

Brad Gaulin MExit Inc. Canada

I can see how this tool is going to become an invaluable part of my arsenal in selling, planning and delivering better exit solutions for my clients.

Rick Moore Action Coach Canada

The Capitaliz system and the resulting Business Insights Report not only allows me to provide best of class service but it also puts me at the top of the industry in Canada.

Maxwell Webster M & A Advisor Canada

Capitaliz adds a service to our portfolio with the active advising between initial valuation and final sale.

FAQs About Capitaliz

Does Capitaliz have any marketing materials for advisors to use?
  • Once you become an accredited member of the Capitaliz community, you’ll have full access to a host of advisor resources, including our library of marketing assets. The library includes a year’s worth of blog posts, articles, and various digital for you to use at your discretion. 
  • Another great asset is Craig West’s book "It All Begins With Insights." It’s an eighty-page dive into the best ways to start the implementation process. As an accredited advisor, we can even ship to you physical copies to use for client leave-behind. Please feel free to have a complimentary digital version of the book yourself with this link.
What kind of support does Capitaliz give to advisors?
  • Our Capitaliz experts are ready to help you every step of the way. Our advisor success team is there to help in any capacity possible. Whether it’s one-on-one sessions to brainstorm implementation strategies or help understanding the analysis, you’re not alone.
  • Capitaliz is a community. Once accredited, you’ll have the opportunity to regularly network and brainstorm with other likeminded advisors throughout the country.
  • Whether it’s our monthly user forum where you can get guidance from the collective experience of our community, or scheduling meetings with our platform experts, Capitaliz is here for you.
How much time is required to create a Business Insights Report (BIR)?
  • You’ll spend about an hour facilitating a one-on-one interview with your client. You’ll also need to upload the client’s financials and adjustments into the system, which may take up to 30 minutes.
  • To prepare a report by yourself as robust and comprehensive as the BIR would take at least 20 hours for very experienced analysts.
How long until I get a complete Business Insights Report (BIR)?

Reports are usually complete in a few days. When the report is ready for your review, you’ll have the opportunity to sit down with an advisor success specialist and walk through all aspects of the report, making sure everything is clear and you’re able to present it to your client without a hitch

What happens if my client provided incorrect information, like an error in the income statement?

We’ve all been there: the client doesn’t realize he gave you outdated information until you present your analysis. Don’t worry. The BIR review process gives you the opportunity to review the report with your client and your team before the report is finalized.

How do you develop your benchmarking analysis?

Benchmarking is done with the assistance of some of the most sophisticated third-party sets, creating an apples-to-apples benchmark for your client’s firm – same industry, same market, and same size.

How can I explain the significance of the financial gap analysis to my clients?

No business enjoys lagging the competition, but sometimes it’s just a matter of fact. When your client is behind, we show you where and by how much. Then we explain how it impacts their profitability – to the dollar. You’ll know where the problem lies so you can attack it, on the road to making your client’s firm best in class.

Are the implementation roadmaps made for me, and can I modify them?
  • The implementation roadmap is your North Star for keeping projects on track and members of each implementation team accountable. Each roadmap is auto generated for you, based on the firm’s BIR. You’ll then have full access to customize the roadmap to best suit you and your client’s needs.
  • The suite lets you see and set tasks, duration, priority, status, and critical dates for completion. It’s also a communication hub for asking questions and gathering client documentation.
Can I give access to the company dashboard to my client?

Yes you can. The Capitaliz platform was designed for collaboration between advisors and client in order to provide full transparency and results in real time. Through the dashboard you can track progress and assign tasks.

Can I invite members of my team to the project management suite?

Yes, and it’s as easy as inputting the team member’s email and hitting “send.”

What if I only want to provide a contractor with access to the project management suite on a need-to-know basis?

You have complete control to share full or limited visibility of the roadmap with any member of your team.

Become invaluable to more clients with Capitaliz.

Once you try it, you’ll never want to go back to the old way of running your advisory firm. Get a guided tour to test the waters, risk-free.
